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Fun Cup from the Bridle’s perspective…

“At the end of 2016 we decided to take the plunge & move away from karting & into the car racing scene. We really didn’t know what Championship to go for & what would work for us with a limited budget, whilst also providing us with competitive racing.

After Chris had a chance phone call with Jay Shepherd, we decided to look into Fun Cup & the academy as an option for the 2017 season.  After months of testing for the year ahead we suddenly arrived at Silverstone for round 1. To be completely honest, we had no idea what to expect & how we would compare to many of the other drivers on the grid.

For us, I think that Silverstone was the best weekend of the year, finishing 7th in our first ever race. The biggest thing I took away from Silverstone was the fact that Fun Cup is just one big family and everyone will always be there to lend a hand if needed.

Personally, we believe Fun Cup is one of the most underrated championships in the country & should be viewed at as a feeder championship for any young racing drivers on a budget wanting to go endurance racing. Where else do you get wheel to wheel racing for 4 hours, which include pit stops and driver changes?

The whole year was an amazing experience & we have met some brilliant people throughout the year. We can not thank Fun Cup UK enough, and especially Jay and Kate Shepherd at Team 7 Racing/Fun  Cup Academy, for coaching us through the year; they provided us with a perfect car.”

The brothers are now hugely excited to compete in the 2018 season, with Team 7 Racing, once again.